Friday, November 7, 2008

End of the road

My travel days are finally over - until February when it starts all over again. I took my last trip this week. On Wednesday I went to Conway, AR and attended a Career Fair at UCA. I stayed in Conway that evening, and even met a prospective MMBA student that afternoon. On Thursday I was at Hendrix, also in Conway. I headed back home yesterday afternoon. I got home just after my daughter's bus dropped her off. She informed me that the last high school football game of the season was that night (Thursday). So, I made plans to take her, she's 11, and her little brother, aged 4, to the football game. Tonight, my daughter, her name is Zoey, has a dance. She is a 6th grader. There is never a dull moment around my house.

Now that I am finished traveling, I will be in the office on a much more consistent manner through the end of the semester. This means I will be able to get caught up on some projects that I have been neglecting. I can't believe it is November already.

Don't forget - you can still apply for the MBA program to begin in January!

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