Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What a weekend

Wait, you are saying. It's Wednesday. Why is she just now talking about the weekend. I offer no excuses. I have been a crazy woman lately and I am just now getting the chance to write. I am sharing pictures from Saturday. My son, Jack, is running me and my husband ragged. For a very brief period of time (4 weeks to be exact), his sporting events are overlapping. Currently his (and my) Saturday looks like this: 9:00-Soccer, 10:30-Basketball, 12:00-football. I leave in the morning with 3 uniforms in my car and a full water bottle. We had to hit the drive-thru between basketball and football and we ate in the car as he was changing into his last uniform of the day. It all went very well with only one minor slip up on my part. He wears cleats for soccer and football. For basketball, he wears his tennis shoes (I was not going to buy basketball shoes for a 6 year old to wear in 4 games and then outgrow before next year). After dressing him in his basketball uniform, I realized I forgot socks. Oops. Oh well - all considering, it could have been worse. Here is Jack in action.

Northwest Arkansas has amazing opportunities for our children. As you can see, soccer, basketball, and football are available in the fall. Spring brings baseball and soccer again. There are also competitive leagues in Springdale at the All Star Sports Arena - including volleyball. Students and their children have many options in this area. It's fun for everyone.

Yesterday I went to the Business Career Fair at Missouri State University. I had a great trip and tomorrow I venture west to the University of Oklahoma. This is back in my home stomping grounds.

MBA and early decision deadline for Master of Accountancy is today. MBA admissions committee meets on Monday. I'll have news regarding the next MBA class next week. We will accept late applications through November.

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