Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 3 of MBA Orientation

Day 3 of Orientation is winding down. Let me recap these first 3 days. Day 1 began bright and early with breakfast and an icebreaker. Everyone is very excited and maybe even a little bit nervous, too. The rest of the day is spent getting lap tops up to speed, filling out paperwork, and learning about the Walton MBA and the University of Arkansas. That evening we all went to Mount Sequoyah for an overnight retreat. I have great pictures to share but for some reason, they are not uploading right now. I'll try again on my next post.

The overnight retreat is a lot of fun. After dinner, new students are able to "grill" or question current MBA students and alumni. This is their opportunity to get the "dirt" - to find out how it REALLY is as a student and alumni from the Walton MBA. After this panel discussion, students watched the Texas-Ohio State football game.

Day 2 began with breakfast on Mount Sequoyah. We then did some team building inside before we moved out to the outside exercises. Yes, it was cold but we were all moving around so the temperature was not an issue. The next activity on the agenda was lunch. No, there is no chance of you starving during this Orientation. After lunch the winner of the morning team competition was announced and we had a brief debrief of the team building exercises. This day ended a little early since everyone is tired by this time.

Day 3 began with, yes, you guessed it, breakfast. Dr. Ellstrand, the MBA Director, just got back from India yesterday. He greeted the class and then did a case competition overview. The class was then divided into teams and they have spent the rest of the day preparing for their case competition tomorrow. All presentations are due at 5:00. They should be wrapping things up soon.

I will talk again about the rest of the week and I'll try again to post some pictures. Be sure to check out Dave and Helen's blogs. They are both mentors and are helping us with Orientation all week.

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