Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Next Few Days Are Really Busy

These next few days will be very busy for those of us in the GSB and for our students, too. They are wrapping up their semester and getting ready for graduation. That is except for our first year MBAs. They are looking forward to their summer internships. Our students in the other programs: Master of Accountancy, Master of Arts in Economics, and Master of Information Systems are finishing projects, getting ready for finals, and definitely looking forward to graduation. Our MMBA (part-time MBA) students have class this Saturday and those in their second year actually don't graduate until after their last class in July. They will participate in Commmencement on May 8. The University of Arkansas only has one commencement ceremony each year.

Today is my daughter's birthday. Zoey is 13 years old. I can't believe it. For those of you living in academe right now, yes, I had her during finals week. I was doing my master's in counseling and my goal was to finish the semester before her arrival. It didn't work out that way and I had her on the day I was to take a final. Ironically enough, it was my "Family Counseling" final. I thought I should have been given an automatic pass considering what I was doing that day was very much related to "family." Today and tomorrow are busy for us at our house. Her party is tonight and then she actually talked her dad and me into letting her have a slumber party tomorrow night. I don't know what I was thinking. I haven't let her have one before so I guess I was feeling guilty. I made the Walmart trip last night and tried to stock up on everything 8 13-year old little girls will need. I'll be sure to post about how it went - if I survive.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to Zoey!

I cannot stop imagine how interesting a slumber party is. I heard it from ESL class. It sounds interesting.