Tuesday, April 14, 2009

MBA Admissions Committee Meeting is Tomorrow

The Walton MBA early decision deadline was April 1. The committee is meeting tomorrow to make first-round decisions. The early decision deadline was designed for those applicants who are also applying to MBA programs with a fall start date. Our MBA doesn't start until January and our application deadline is September 15. Those students who are looking at other programs that begin in the fall need admissions decisions in the spring.

Compared to last year, we have twice the number of total applications for the full-time MBA. We enrolled 37 students into our full-time MBA program in January. Our initial goal for January, 2010 was to increase enrollment to 40-42. Considering the number of applications we are receiving, we could conceivably admit 45-50. This program will probably not ever be larger than 50 students.

If you are contemplating applying for the full-time MBA at the Walton College, I recommend that you submit your application materials sooner rather than later. I will provide more info after the committee meeting tomorrow.

We will also be making our first-round of decisions for the part-time MBA. We will continue to accept applications throughout the summer for this program. Orientation is August 13-16 and it is mandatory.

Be sure to keep up with our student bloggers and email me with any questions.

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