Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Not an April Fool's Joke - MBA Deadline is Today!

Happy April Fool's Day. I hope your computer is not infected with Conficker. I understand it's a nasty little worm. This day always brings back to me the terror I experienced every year on April 1 during my childhood. I am not a jokester and I've never enjoyed practical jokes. Growing up, I think I stayed in a state of constant anxiety all day every April 1. Now that I have children, I just never know what they are going to come up with.

This is not an April Fool's joke - today is the application deadline for both of our MBA programs. The early decision deadline for our full-time MBA is today. This deadline was designed to serve those applicants who may be exploring other MBA programs with fall start dates. These students need our admissions decision at the same time that they are receiving their other admissions decisions. With this in mind, we implemented an early decision deadline. Now students are able to receive all of their decisions at the same time and make the most informed choice.

Today is also the application deadline for our part-time/Managerial MBA (MMBA). This program starts in August and is designed for full-time working professionals with busy lives. Students attend class one Saturday each month for two years. In between these face-to-face contacts, they are working online.

Our first committee meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 15th. If you have submitted all of your application materials by Friday, April 10th, we will be able to take your file to committee. Official letters will be sent electronically by April 30th. To learn your admissions decision, you can email me on the afternoon of April 15th. I will be happy to alleviate any anxiety by letting you know the committee's decision.

So, to recap. It is not too late to apply for our part-time program. In order to receive an admissions decision by May 1, please submit all application materials by Friday, April 10th. We will continue to accept applications through the summer until the class is full. Last year we enrolled 58 students. We will take applications until we reach a class size of 60-65.

For you full-time applicants, if you would like an admissions decision by May 1, be sure we have all of your application materials by April 10th. Final application deadline is September 15. This program starts in January each year and is 16 months long - 3 semesters. I must warn you that this program is seeing a significant increase in applications. Thus far we have over 50% more applications this year than we had last year at this time. Competition is going to be very intense. If you are seeking a graduate assistantship, I recommend applying as soon as possible. We are expecting our financial assistance to run out this year before we have made our final admissions decisions.

In summary, submit all application materials for MBA or MMBA by April 10th to receive an admissions decision by May 1. For MBA, if you are not ready to apply by this date, apply as soon as possible for full consideration for financial assistance.

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