Monday, June 15, 2009

Getting ready to leave town

As of Wednesday morning at 8:50 CST, I will be on an airplane leaving XNA (our airport in Northwest Arkansas) and heading for Baltimore. In between Fayetteville and Baltimore, I am hoping for a very unexciting, dull layover in Dallas, and I am also hoping that my flight out of Dallas will be on time. One more wish - I wish for good weather, too.

Marion (GSB Assistant Dean), Deb (the other Assistant Director), and I will be attending the annual conference for GMAC, parent company of the GMAT. This conference is for all of us working in MBA programs. This conference will have all of the latest and greatest info for those of us in recruiting and admissions (me), administration (Marion), and student services (Deb). So, this is a great chance for us to go get our batteries recharged and to come back pumped up, excited, and loaded up with new ideas.

The only problem is that we will be away from the office for several days. This means that the days leading up the conference are CRAZY. Today has been madness. I am only in the office part of the day tomorrow so I have been trying frantically to get as much done today as has been humanly possible. Right now I must say that I am looking forward to the time when I am sitting on the plane and it is lifting off the ground. From that point on, I will be in "conference mode."

A bonus for us, the conference is at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel, located in Baltimore's Inner Harbor. I am very excited and I am looking forward to mixing a little pleasure with business by shopping and checking out some fun local hot spots.

I'll try to post tomorrow but I am not making any promises since I am sure tomorrow will be even more crazy than today. You may have to wait until I get back in the office next Tuesday, June 23 and then I'll tell you all about the conference and Baltimore.

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