Monday, May 4, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

As I was driving in this morning, the weather man on the radio was saying that it was going to rain all week but not today. I had to laugh at the irony of this statement because as he was saying, "No rain today," my windshield wipers were slapping away and I was thinking, "I am pretty sure this is rain." For several days now, it really does seem like forever, it has been cool and rainy in Northwest Arkansas. I think we are all ready for some sunshine. My front yard is closely resembling a Florida swamp right now. It is muddy, wet, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if a snapping crocodile came charging through the waste high vegetation. Well, maybe I would be surprised to see that but there is no telling what is living in there right now. Needless to say, it's been too wet and muddy to mow.

The logical, "I understand how this works" side of me knows that we need this rain to make it through the heat of the summer. I want to enjoy the rivers of Northwest Arkansas and go floating so I know I have to put up with the rain now. I am just starting to get a little whiny. I mean, it's May. I am ready to move on to the next season. I think that is fair.

Needless to say, it was wet this weekend. I did take my camera and swing by Spring Fest on Saturday. Spring Fest is held this time every year on Dickson Street. Since I left my camera at home, I'll have to share the photos tomorrow.

The rest of the week will be very busy for our office as we host the EMBA students and get ready for Commencement on Saturday. I'll try to keep you informed regarding what is going on.

In the world of Admissions, we are starting to get student decisions back from the recent MBA and MMBA admission offers. These will continue to come in over the next week or so. New applications are also still being received. I am not sure when the next committee meeting will be held. We will not meet again until we have a sufficient number of completed apps to warrant calling another meeting. I am hoping we can do this toward the end of the month.

Hey, I think it has stopped raining - for now.

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