Friday, May 1, 2009


I have to confess that staff and faculty really appreciate Fridays right now just as much as our students do. The end of the year frenzy is upon us and I think we are in survival mode. It's an incredibly exciting time of year and there is so much going on.

Yesterday the Walton College held its faculty and staff awards assembly. Our very own Deb Williams was awarded the Diversity Award which honors an individual staff member who demonstrates creativity in the workplace by building and promoting an atmosphere of inclusion and acceptance for all constituents of the Walton College. Deb works very hard and does a great job.

Today is Dead Day and it is pretty quiet around the office. Tomorrow is the last class for our MMBA students this semester. They will have classes through the summer with their last class being held in July.

Next week is pretty jam packed with events and activities. Our EMBA students who have class in China will be here. Next week ends with the Graduation Party. This event is for all of our graduating students. It is always fun to see everyone so excited, relaxed, and thrilled to have finished their degree. I also love to meet their families.

The Walton College is small with approximately 3,600 students. The Graduate School of Business has a population of around 300. We are a pretty close knit group and graduation is very special.

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