Friday, May 29, 2009

What happens during the summer in the Graduate School of Business?

I thought I would take this opportunity to let you know what is going on in the Graduate School of Business (GSB) during the summer.

In admissions - we are still accepting late applications for the Master of Accountancy and for the Master of Information Systems (both full and part time). We are also still accepting applications for the part-time MBA program. If you are interested in any of these master's degree programs, we need all application materials by July 31. Go to: for a complete list of requirements. You can apply online and your resume and essays can be emailed to me at

Also, since our application deadline for the MBA is not until September 15, we are also processing MBA apps this summer. As I have mentioned previously, applications for the full-time program are up significantly. All full assistantships (full tuition waivers) have been awarded. We do still have a limited number of partial assistantships available. To be considered for this funding, you need to complete the application process as soon as possible.

During the summer months, for MBA and MMBA, we will be doing a monthly review of completed applications. For the other programs, they are reviewed as they are completed.

What else am I doing? Summer is my chance to work on projects. Last year I worked on new recruiting brochures and getting our office started on going paperless. This involves scanning all of our student records and storing them electronically. The GSB also began working on the new website. I have to say that I did not help much in this area; I proved to be incredibly incompetent when it came to web design.

Well, this summer my big project is a new CRM system and finishing the scanning. Thankfully we have help with the scanning. Some of our current students who are on GA over the summer are spending a few hours helping us get this huge job done.

What is a CRM? It is a Customer Relationship Management system. I store all prospective student info in a database. This is how I keep track of who is interested in what program and how I met them, etc. I send email messages letting them know of upcoming events and deadlines. Well, it's time for an overhaul and that is what I'll be working on for the next couple of months. I am actually excited. This new system will allow me to keep in touch with our prospective students much better.

That tells you what the admissions side of the GSB is doing this summer. I'll fill you in on what the rest of the office is doing next time.

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