Friday, December 18, 2009

Heading to Hot Springs for the Weekend

My husband just took my kids to school. Zoey has a test in 1st hour and 3rd hour. I'll pick them up after her 2nd test and then we are off to Hot Springs. I am looking forward to the weekend away. We are meeting my mom. She's been there all week. We had originally planned to go yesterday. But with Zoey's tests, we had to wait. Now we really won't have much time but I guess it's better than nothing.

The kids are out of school after today through the New Year. I'll be home with them for 2 weeks. Yesterday I was off. I knew it was my only day before they'd be with me so I was very productive. I ran errands and got all of the Christmas presents wrapped. Wrapping is not my favorite thing. I am not a particularly patient person. The tree does look very nice now with all the presents underneath.

I guess I'd better go get ready. I need to get my bag packed and then load up everyone's stuff. Zoey has already texted me - she forgot her phone charger. I wonder how many more texts I'll get from her before I leave. When I leave here, I'll by by the school to pick up the kids, and then we'll be on the road. Whatever we forget, too bad.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I heard Hot Springs first time in ESL course. It seems very famous here.

Enjoy your trip!