Monday, December 28, 2009

Santa Has A Sense of Humor

As I mentioned on my last post, the University is closed. I don't have any new "business" to report. My posts during this time will be more of a personal nature - what I am doing.

Well, my family's Christmas was going very well. We had a white Christmas for the first time in several years. It was beautiful. The kids got up, saw what Santa brought, we opened gifts, and then we decided to go sledding. We loaded up, even took the dog, and went to Wilson Park which is right by campus. We were having a great time, then it happened. The pictures below are pre-accident.

Zoey was sledding standing up - using the sled like a snow board. She was doing alright and then she fell. It didn't even look like she did anything; she did a great tuck and roll off the sled but then she stayed down. My husband went down to get her and carried her back up the hill. She has sprained and twisted both ankles numerous times and I just figured that she did it again. We got her in the truck, got her boot off, and had her put her foot up. My husband and son kept sledding. I sat with Zoey and she was sniffling and crying. She said, "I can't believe I broke my foot on Christmas." So, I figured we'd better go get an X-ray. She and I spent 2 1/2 hours in the ER on Christmas day. She does have multiple breaks in her fibula and tibia. We are going for a CT scan of her leg and ankle in the morning to determine if she needs surgery.

This is not how I was planning on spending my holiday. She is in a splint, on the couch, foot elevated. She absolutely has to be careful. Her leg has not been casted yet - and it's been 3 days. It is nerve wracking. We'll find out more tomorrow when we see the orthopedic doctor.

Since she plays basketball and it's in the middle of the season, she was devastated. Poor kid. I felt so bad for her. She was just out having fun and now she'll miss the rest of the season. I'll be sure to post another update tomorrow after we get back from the doctor's office. I am just hoping that whatever we need to do, we can get it done this week while we are both off. Fingers crossed - no surgery.

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